Farm 5 Friday | August 13th 2021

Farm 5 Friday.

Hello! This is Alexis with Farm Tee Company. Thank you for subscribing to Farm 5 Friday. Each week, I'll be sharing a list of 5 farm & agriculture related content.

Book To Read:
Alchemy of Air by Thomas Hager. This book does an incredible job of explaining how modern day fertilizer came into existence at the turn of the twentieth century. It begins with a history of how fertilizer was found and used for thousands of years prior to the pioneering work by German chemist Fritz Haber and German engineer Carl Bosch. The book also details how their work to create fertilizer was used for other means, including gunpowder, explosives, and worse. If you like to listen to books, this is on Audible and the narration is well done.

To Watch:
MLB Field of Dreams & Iowa Corn. Last night the Chicago White Sox and New York Yankees played the first ever game on the Field of Dreams in Dyersville, Iowa. The real stars of the show are the Rahe Brothers, who farm the fields surrounding the Field of Dreams stadium and who worked hard for 2 years to make sure their crop of corn was perfect for that magical moment when the players walked onto the field. If you watched the game, did you see the National Corn Growers Association sign behind home plate?

Person to Follow:
Elizabeth Uhl, known as @mittenfarmher on Instagram, owns and operates Uhl Farms with her husband. She considers herself an agvocate and shares through social media her experiences about being a young farmer, the trials of farming, ad the joys of feeding her community. You can find Elizabeth on Instagram @mittenfarmher and Uhl Farms on Facebook.

Song to Listen To:
Buy Dirt by Jordan Davis and Luke Bryan.

Quote of the Week:
"Without labor nothing prospers." - Sophocles

Did you enjoy this edition of Farm 5 Friday? Let me know! E-mail me at or share your thoughts on Instagram and Facebook.

Have a great weekend!

- Alexis

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