Hello! My name is Alexis. I'm the owner of Farm Tee Company. First, thank you for subscribing to Farm Tee Co e-mails and newsletters. This is the 1st edition of the Farm 5 Friday. I'll be sharing a list of 5 farm & agriculture related content that was engaging and educating for the week.
What to Read:
This New York Times article gives a high level overview of the ongoing drought and potential long-term effects happening in California and parts of the West right now. Farmers are having to make tough decisions to leave significant portions of their land fallow and find new ways to find or keep water. The drought impact is equally significant for livestock producers in that area, although that is not covered in this article.
What to Watch:
A video of tour of the University of Wisconsin Platteville Pioneer Farm uploaded June 4, 2021 by How Farms Work. This is an insightful video about a working university farm and some of the technology innovations that are being tested by agriculture academia. Watch here
Person to Follow:
Rhyne Cureton (aka "Pork" Rhyne) is an agricultural educator, a swine specialist and advocate for small-scale livestock production. He has spoken at 25 conferences/workshops and has traveled to East Africa the last three years to teach and support small farmers there. Rhyne can be found on Instagram @pork.rhyne and Facebook page Pork Rhyne. Here is a great article about Rhyne and his mission of swine advocacy.
What to Listen to:
Ag Chicks by Ally Spears. Ag Chicks is a podcast whose mission is for the listeners to get to know the women in agriculture who work hard to feed their communities locally and abroad. Ally and her guests get into the nitty gritty of farming life, sharing the challenges and triumphs. Checkout the latest episode here.
Quote of the Week:
"The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it." - John Ruskin
Again, thank you for subscribing and let me know what your thoughts on Farm 5 Friday. E-mail me at alexis@farmteeco.com or share your thoughts on Instagram and Facebook.
Have a great weekend and a Happy 4th of July!
- Alexis